3x3 Magazine
3x3 Children's Book Show Annual No.9
3x3 Children's Book Show Annual No.9
Annual No. 9: Children's Show
Each year 3x3 Magazine assembles top juries for each of their three shows: professional, student and children's books. Our international panel of judges vote independently and as a result the 3x3 show is one of the most unbiased juried competitions for illustration. Over 3,400 entries from all over the world were entered this year, there are 428 winners exhibited. Annual 9 is a part of this issue—for the first time we've combined our editorial content with our juried show winners—Issue 21 showcases the winners of the 3x3 Children's Show.
8.625 x 11.125-inches (21.90 x 28.25-cm), 200 pages
Also featured
Anna & Elena Balbusso Interviewed by Max Casalini
Bill Mayer Interviewed by Goñi Montes
Valeria Petrone Interviewed by Beppe Giacobbe
ICON: Jerry Pinkney
Profile: Rita Marshall, The Creative Company
SurveySays: Illustrator Confidence Survey
OpArt: Bill Mayer
CareerTalk: Making a Lifetime Career in Illustration
Spotlight: Andrea d'Aquino, Carey Sookocheff, Carlos Araujo, Ella Cohen, Kelly Murphy, Marta Madureira
20 Questions: Anna & Elena Balbusso, Bill Mayer, Valeria Petrone